The tournament will run for 10 rounds from Thursday 18th June 2015, each following Thursday with the Finals Night taking place on Thursday 20th August.
TEAM REGISTRATIONS will take place during our FREE TRIAL NIGHT on Thurs 11th June, so please come along and give it a try!
Kick-off times will be from 7:00pm to 9:30pm each Thursday.
Each evening there will be a BBQ and music along with the bar being open to enjoy a well-earned drink after the game.
Teams consist of a maximum of 13 players, both male and female, of all standards. No more than three Rugby Players from the one Club Rugby Team can be on a Tag Team.
If you don't have a team but still want to play, just let us know as we will be putting together teams for individual players.
You don't have to have played rugby in order to take part!
There are seven players on the pitch at any one time and you must have a minimum of three females on the pitch at any one time.
All games last for 40 minutes, 20 minutes each half.
For mini leagues, games will last for 20 minutes in total, with no half time break.
It is compulsory that you turn up a minimum of 10 minutes before your allocated match time. This will allow you to register, find your pitch, and stretch properly before your game commences. All games will kick off exactly on time and if you are not there on time, the opposing team will be awarded points for every minute you are late.
See below for all of the rules. It is advised that you read these in advance of playing as there are a few different rules in effect across the country.
To register your own team you must have a minimum of seven players, and a maximum of 13 players.
If you fall short of the required seven players, you can still register your details and your team will be paired with other registrations falling short of the seven players.
If you want any more information please email: info@goreyrfc.com or call 086 218 8811 and let us know of your intention to enter a team. This way we can schedule your league games in advance.
All registrations must be entered and paid IN FULL by Sunday 14th June 2015.
Each adult team costs â¬250 and each Mini team costs â¬200 for the duration of the tournament. Based on teams averaging between 10 and 13 players, this would work out between â¬20 to â¬25 per adult player for the ten weeks (or â¬2.00 to â¬2.50 per week!)
It is the responsibility of the team captain to collect monies from the rest of the players and have it paid in full by Sunday 14th June. Payment can be made and Registration Forms completed on either of the Trail Nights.
Rugby / Soccer boots are recommended but not mandatory, you can play in runners.
To assist the referees it is advised that your team wear the same colour top, again this is not mandatory.
Tag shorts are mandatory and can be purchased at in most sports shops or simply sew on some velcro to your rugby shorts. Referees will check all players before each game to ensure that adequate shorts are satisfactory.